Benedikt Negro

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Cirque Du Soleil
& More

Benedikt is not just the star of Cirque's "O" he's an internationally trained mime, actor and clown.

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benedikt in O

Resume & Bio



"Benedikt Negro is a treasure -- the last I've seen in a line of pantomime excellence and silent wonder."
-- Stefan Haves : Cirque Du Soleil Comic Act Creator

Benedikt Negro is a pantomime and clown who currently stars in Cirque du Soleil's water show, "O". He trained at Die Etage School for the Performing Arts in Berlin.

Originally from Xanten, Germany, Benedikt began his career as a performer at the tender age of nine. He performed as a sideshow artist in his first professional show. Interest for this fascinating and unique performance grew quickly in Germany, which led Benedikt to perform in several festivals all over the country, walking on glass as well as eating and breathing fire.

In 1991, Benedikt joined a small German circus called "Circus Apollo". It is with the members of the circus that he then learned acrobatics and juggling as well as knife throwing. Benedikt toured with Circus Apollo for four years and later for three years with "Hallucination Company" which blended circus acts, theater and original music. Benedikt experimented increasingly in performance with conveying emotions without words, which began his fascination and work with mime. In 2002 he joined Cirque du Soleil's "O". He has been with the show for ten years, over five thousand performances.

Recently, Benedikt has been filming with directors James Cameron and Andrew Adamson. In addition to his work in Cirque du Soleil, Benedikt also started the highly-acclaimed 1230 Clown Show, (twelve thirty) a European-style, late-night clown show based in Las Vegas. The show's roster boasts professional clowns from the Strip's most renowned shows including Cirque du Soleil, Matsuri, Le Reve and Jubilee. During each 70-minute show, audience members are treated to hilarious and virtuosic performances inspired by varying themes ranging from the topical to the absurd.

  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro

Master Teacher

The workshop is designed to make effortless movement and profound artistry inevitable. Benedikt Helps participants achieve free, agile movement and compelling stage presence. Through Mime and Pantomime, they explore how to use counter-balance, release unnecessary tension, evoke emotion and develop physical characterization. The result is effortless virtuosity. Artist are free to make exciting choices with no interference between idea and execution.

Letter of Recommendation

Negro Letter of Recommendation

"Thank you so much for coming in and showing us all those Cirque-Moves. I never realized that one can move that much on stage."
-- Amanda McGarry

"Thank you so very much for taking the time to visit and enlighten us aspiring artists at Operaworks. You where an absolute inspiration to work with and learn from, not to mention a vision to watch move. Coming from a dancing background, you have opened a whole new door into my artistic exploration! Thank you!"
-- Dasha Jensen

"Thank you so much for your amazing generosity! It was truly wonderful to watch you, and then get to experiment and play with our bodies and emotions. As opera singers, we sometimes feel like we have to portray seriousness, but working with you inspired me to embrace my goofy ideas and make them work for me, because I can sing like that! I have been experimenting with body angles all week long (literally – people might think I'm crazy) and it is so much fun! I hope that someday I can se you perform in "O". Thank you, again, so much. You are truly inspiring!"
-- Alina Roitstein

"Thank you so much for taking time to come teach us how you use your body to crate and portray such compelling characters. You changed the age, mood and status of your body with the slightest movements"
-- Erin Anderson

"Thank you so much for working with us. It was such an amazing experience. You inspired me to attend a workshop at MIME THEATRE STUDIO. I am so excited to learn more about your craft. Thank you again."
-- Meera Crow

"Herzlichen Dank für Deine überirdischen und unglaublichen Bewegungen! Vielen Dank!"
-- Alex Hill

"Thank you so much for teaching your movement class! I have never considered myself a good mover and in the past I have felt that I didn't have the coordination to move well. However, I really felt that I could finally control my body after you broke down the individual movements. Thank you so much again."
-- Simon Barrad

"Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents with us. We experienced the concept of creating characters through movement. It was wonderful."
-- Jusef Curtis

Community Leader

The 12:30 clown show was a late night rampage of clowning and comedy antics. It was motivated by a need to bring together performers from all Las Vegas shows in order to give a meeting place for collaboration and creative growth.

Article in the Las Vegas Sun »

Article in the Daily Brink »

Blog of Gratitude »

12:30 show
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro
  • Benedikt Negro